Did You Get Nail Fungus from Your Local Nail Salon?

Manicure at nail salon
By Dr. Peter Klapper Ph.D.

It’s no secret that most people enjoy treating themselves at the nail salon, but did you know that more than 20.5 million Americans get a manicure at least 4 times a year? That’s a lot of work being done with the same tools on many different nails. And with fungal nail infections being common in any age, are you at risk when you head to the nail salon?

What Causes Nail Fungus?
First off, it’s important to understand how nail fungus develops. Nail fungus occurs from the overgrowth of fungi under or on your nail. This fungus thrives in warm and moist environments, which is why more times than not, fungus can develop on your toenails before your fingernails.

Nail fungus is also similar to jock itch, athlete’s foot and ringworm in the sense that if you’ve come into contact with someone with an infection, it’s more than likely that you will contract it as well. You’re also more at risk if you suffer from diabetes, wear artificial nails, have a nail or skin injury, have moist hands and fingers, a weakened immune system, and have recently swam in a public pool.

How To Identify That You Have Nail Fungus
So, you’ve come into contact with someone who has a nail infection, do you have it, too? Well, to be sure, check and see if you see any discoloration on your nail or if they seem more brittle or thick than usual. Does your nail look distorted or lifting from your nail bed? What about an odor? Are you experiencing painful nail beds or soreness and redness?

If you answered yes to any of the above, chances are that you might be experiencing nail fungus. However, it is important to note that other infections can mimic a nail infection, so be sure to check with your doctor. Doctors can scrape the nail and look more closely and identify if it’s fungus or not.

Nail Fungus and Nail Salons
This brings us back to the beginning. If you haven’t been in contact with anyone who has a nail infection, did you get it at your nail salon?

Unfortunately, it’s possible. Especially if you tend to get acrylic and/or dipping powder done to your nails. Why? Well, for starters these treatments have to be applied to your hands, drilled down, altered and worked on until they are polished.

Unclean Tools
If tools haven’t been properly cleaned between customers, they can be a breeding ground for fungus and other infections. Luckily, if you frequent a specific nail salon, you probably know the cleanliness of the environment. If not, be sure to review online about the salon before scheduling an appointment. A majority of times, people who had an unpleasant experience will be sure to leave a review. If that option isn’t available, be mindful and watch to see how tools and equipment are sterilized and washed after each client. Your nail tech should be diligent and washing their hands after each client and putting on protective gloves between each session.

Nail Treatments
If you do suspect you have a nail fungus infection, you need to be mindful on what you do to your nails. Avoid nail polish, as it adds to the problem by supplying a most environment in which fungus can thrive.

Since nail polish is an acrylic, it seals in the moisture promoting the fungi to live and propagate beneath the nails. Nail polish and nail lacquer can also cause nails to become thicker, and this can become more challenging to treat the fungus because the treatment cannot be absorbed as well. Applying acrylic nails to fingernails containing fungus can also delay the healing process.

If you’re deciding to apply nails at home, be sure to make sure your fake nails are flush with your nail bed, so they don’t lift around the edges.

Tips On How to Treat Nail Fungus
There are natural ways to treat nail fungus, but first things first is if you noticed an infection after a visit to a nail salon, you need to take action. Remove any fake nails or nail polish in order to remove the type of environment for the fungus to continue to grow. If your natural nails are long, be sure to trim them short and stop the use of any type of nail products.

Treating nail fungus can be difficult depending on how far the infection has spread so it’s important to start a treatment as soon as possible.

Try Our Natural Nail Fungus Treatment
Our natural nail fungus treatment is an advanced extra strength nail fungus treatment that safely removes nail fungus in and under the nail, results can often be seen within days. We use the most potent and pure antifungal plants as supported by scientific studies to fight even the stubbornest nail fungus infections for a natural nail fungus treatment.

Our natural nail fungus treatments are available in two strengths, regular and extra strength. Both include our unique dual-action approach that combines homeopathic medicines known to have a pronounced anti-fungal effect with healing essential oils to provide skin regenerative properties. The powerful ingredients include calendula, Hypericum perforatum, and silica which penetrate deep into the nails, nail bed, and surrounding skin tissue. They work on a cellular level to safely kill nail fungus, restore the nails natural color, and repair damaged skin.

  • Extra Strength for Most Stubborn Fungus
  • Eliminate Fingernail & Toenail Fungus
  • Restore Dry, Brittle, Discolored Nails
  • Heal Damaged Skin Around Nail
  • Non-Toxic, No Harmful Chemicals
  • Natural Anti-Fungal

If you still are seeing the infection spread, it’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor, but keep in mind that it can sometimes take a few rounds of medication to see results. Also, remember that a nail infection isn’t considered cured until a new nail that is free from infection has grown in place.

At the end of the day, don’t let nail fungus ruin your social life. Be proactive on treatment and do your research before hitting up your local nail salon.

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