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Anthemis Nobilis

English Chamomile

Commonly known as English chamomile, is a perennial herb that is native to Western Europe and North Africa but has been widely cultivated in other parts of the world. 
Anthemis Nobilis


Roman chamomile or English chamomile




Roman chamomile is a mild nervous system sedative, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-emetic, carminative, anti-microbial, vulnerary, anti-ulcer, and anti-allergic.


Known for its calming properties. Roman chamomile serves as a versatile herb with medicinal benefits, including aiding digestion, soothing skin conditions, and providing relief from stress, anxiety, and menstrual cramps.


    Anthemis nobilis (Roman chamomile) is traditionally recognized for its calming properties. It acts as a mild sedative, easing stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and improved sleep. It also aids digestion, alleviating issues like indigestion and bloating. Roman chamomile’s anti-inflammatory compounds including chamazulene and bisabolol found in the essential oil contribute to its effectiveness in soothing skin conditions, supporting wound healing, and providing relief from menstrual cramps. While its antioxidant properties, help neutralize free radicals in the body contributing to overall health. 


    Often consumed as a soothing tea, chamomile aids in stress relief, promotes relaxation, and supports digestion. The essential oil extracted from its flowers is popular in aromatherapy, offering anti-inflammatory and calming effects for skin conditions and stress reduction. Topically, chamomile is applied as a poultice, cream, or oil to soothe skin irritations and minor wounds. Additionally, inhalation of chamomile steam or its incorporation into baths can alleviate respiratory issues and induce relaxation. 


    Anthemis nobilis has a long history, notably in Egypt and Greece, where it held cultural and medicinal significance. Its name suggests a connection to ancient Rome where it was utilized for its digestive benefits and calming properties. Through the medieval and Renaissance periods, chamomile remained a prominent herb cultivated in monastic gardens and employed by herbalists for its therapeutic qualities. Traditional European medicine embraced chamomile for treating digestive issues, sleep disorders, and skin conditions. Its popularity continued into the 19th century and beyond, especially during World Wars when it served as a substitute for teas. 

When Anthemis Nobilis Helps With