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Urtica Urens

Small Nettle

Known as small nettle or dwarf nettle, is a flowering plant that is a close relative of the more well-known stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). Like its larger counterpart, Urtica urens is known for its stinging hairs that can cause skin irritation upon contact but also for its medicinal benefits. 
Urtica Urens


Annual nettle, dwarf nettle, small nettle, dog nettle, or burning nettle




Dwarf nettle is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, circulatory stimulant, astringent and anti-allergic.


Dwarf nettle has many benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties that may be helpful for conditions like arthritis, diuretic effects supporting kidney function, and traditional use for skin conditions and allergy relief.


    Dwarf nettle has many benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties that may be helpful for conditions like arthritis, diuretic effects supporting kidney function, and traditional use for skin conditions and allergy relief.


    Dwarf nettle can be used in various ways, including making herbal tea from its leaves for potential anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. The leaves can also be crushed and used in ointments for topical use to treat conditions such as eczema and gout. Other options include supplements in the form of capsules or tinctures. While dwarf nettle is not as commonly used in cooking, some people may include young leaves in salads.


    Urtica urens (dwarf nettle)has a rich history in traditional medicine dating back centuries. For years it has been used in addressing conditions like joint pain, rheumatism, and skin disorders. Nettles, including Urtica urens, also hold cultural significance and have been used in protective rituals and folklore. In some cultures, they were believed to possess protective qualities and were used in rituals to ward off evil spirits or negative energies.

When Urtica Urens Helps With