How To Prevent Eczema Flares in The Winter

Eczema on winter hands
By Dr. Peter Klapper Ph.D.

As the cooler months roll in, you may notice that the moisture from your skin begins to dry up causing itchiness and redness. A lot of times a simple moisturizer can help alleviate this, but what if you notice your skin is only getting worse with blisters and scaly patches? If you suffer from eczema, cooler weather can be brutal on your hands and face since they’re more frequently exposed, which is why we are providing a list below on how to prevent painful flares this winter.

First, what is Eczema?
Eczema is a skin condition that can present itself as itchy and red, bumpy and scaly with leather like patches on your skin, and sometimes be so exasperated it can morph into blisters that ooze. October is Eczema Awareness Month and for good reason: it affects up to 30 million Americans who see flare ups during this time of year. While Eczema can be triggered by stress, many find that their eczema is worse by environmental changes such as cooler weather.

Tips To Prevent Eczema In The Winter
If you’re noticing your skin is dry, naturally you will want to moisturize. However, with eczema, you may find that thicker lotions, such as shea butter, are a better solution during the winter. The National Eczema Association also recommends hydrocortisone steroid creams. Once you find a lotion that works for you, don’t be afraid to apply it several times a day.

Avoid Heat
We get it. When it’s cold outside, nothing sounds better than a hot, relaxing bath. The problem there is that hot water can take out the protective oils from the skin and cause inflammation. When bathing, try and go for a “warm” shower or bath instead.

When it begins to cool off outside, moisture also disappears. By running a humidifier in your house, you can reintroduce moisture into your environment which is great for your skin.

Wear Layers And Cover Up
You may find that during the winter, your hands are where your flare-ups occur. This is because hands and faces are typically exposed when you go outside. To prevent this, be sure to wear gloves and scarves when you’re out in harsh conditions.

Avoid Fragrant Soaps and Detergents
Nothing can aggravate eczema more than soaps filled with fragrance and certain added ingredients. When using soaps and detergents, look for products that are made for sensitive skin and are fragrance, dye, and alcohol free.

Natural Remedies
If you’re still feeling like nothing is working, try the natural approach. Research has suggested that taking vitamin D supplements in the winter may improve eczema flare-ups, according to a study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital.

Forces of Nature Natural Eczema Relief
Another great remedy is our Eczema Control Remedy. This medication combines 14 certified organic medicinal plants with great therapeutic value to ease eczema symptoms and help prevent recurrence. All you have to do is rub it on your skin three to four times a day.

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