An anal fissure is a cut or tear, which can occur in the anus. This tear can vary in size. Some anal fissures extend upwards into the anal canal. The incident and prevalence of anal fissures is as common in men as it is in women of any age group. Fissures are usually accompanied by severe pain, particularly during bowel movements. Anal fissures are the most common cause of rectal bleeding. The tissue lining of the anal canal has no hairs, sweat glands of sebaceous (oil) glands. But it contains a large number of somatic nerves which are extremely sensitive to touch and pain. That is why bowel movement can be a painful experience for an individual who has this condition.
What causes anal fissures?
Anal fissures are caused by trauma to the anus and the anal canal during bowel movement, particularly if the stools are hard. Chronic constipation or repeated episodes of diarrhea can increase the likelihood or occurrence of anal fissures. On rare occasions even the insertion of certain medical instruments into the rectum such as a rectal thermometer or an enema tip or endoscope can, inadvertently, cause a fissure. In women, trauma to the perineum, the skin between the posterior vagina and the anus, characteristic of childbirth strain can cause a tear that can extend into the anoderm. Some studies have demonstrated that most individuals with anal fissures have the type of muscles surrounding the anal canal that contract so strongly they often go into spasms during and after bowel movement. In these cases, the internal anal sphincter does not relax in a normal manner. Instead, it continues to contract for a few seconds before it goes back to its elevated resting level of contraction. It is believed that it is this high resting pressure and the "overshoot" contraction of the internal anal sphincter after bowel movement that pulls the edges of the fissure apart and prevents the fissure from healing after it has occurred.
What are the symptoms of anal fissures?
Anal fissure symptoms include a tear into the lower part of the rectum or anus. People with anal fissures often experience anal pain which worsens with bowel movements. The pain may be brief, or it might linger for some time immediately after bowel movement. Usually it subsides between bowel movements. Symptoms of anal fissures include bleeding in small amounts, itching and a foul-smelling discharge.
Remedies for constipation
Prevention is always better than cure. A diet rich in fiber is ideal for prevention of constipation. Our alimentary canal is home to a myriad of bacteria which can interact with fibrous foods to make the stool bulky in volume, which is good for regular bowel function and prevention of constipation. As such, constipation can be reversed and treated by increasing the daily intake of fiber-rich foods such as wheat bran, brown rice, an assortment of fresh berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and many more. Regular consumption of wholesome grains and nuts can also alleviate the occurrence of constipation.
Fissure Treatment
The choice of a remedy for any condition is important because one wants to avoid using remedies that are laced with chemicals which can cause adverse side effects and trigger other health problems. That is why Forces of Nature should be your first place to seek a remedy for anal fissures. Forces of Nature Fissure Control is a certified organic anal fissure treatment that is not laced with toxins or chemicals or pesticides. This remedy provides immediate relief from
What is an Anal Fissure?

By Dr. Peter Klapper Ph.D.