The wait is almost over! We’re sorry to see spring pass so quickly, but before you know it, it’ll be summer, and with summer comes an entire change of wardrobe for many people. It’s time to shed our jackets and long socks in favor of shorts, flip-flops, and warmer days, but even if you find flip-flops and sandals comfortable, they’re not the best choice if you want to keep your feet healthy, painless, and fully functional throughout your life. Follow these tips to better footwear and prevent the need for plantar wart treatment or even a visit to the hospital.
Let’s think about how flip-flops compare to other shoes. We’ll use the example of tennis shoes, a common choice for kids and adults alike. Flip flops are completely lacking arch support, one of the most important support systems for your feet and ankles. Flip flops also do without heel support, which helps absorb the impact of walking or running, and the extra padding that tennis shoes have all around. Flip-flops can be tough on your toes, and they can be catastrophic to the structure of your feet and ankles. Many problems all over the human body can be caused by problems that begin in the feet and ankles as well, possibly even leading to back pain or headaches. It’s strange to think that your shoes could prevent back pain, but without a stable platform to stand on, the body suffers.
Insufficient foot support can also leave you wondering how to get rid of plantar warts naturally. That’s right – flip-flops and other flimsy footwear can indirectly lead to plantar warts, but we’ll get back to that in a moment. Many podiatrists have spoken out against flimsy footwear. Many more cases of foot and ankle injuries are seen during the summer. Why? Because everyone switches from their supportive tennis shoes and boots to flats, flip-flops, or even bare feet. It’s always important to remember to wear the correct footwear for your current activity, so if you plan on taking part in any high-intensity activity, be sure to wear appropriate shoes or risk serious injury. Flip-flops can contribute to breaks, fractures, sprains, aches, pains, fungus, warts, and worse. Consult your podiatrist for more information on proper footwear and consider visiting a specialty shoe store for a professional foot measurement to help you buy well-fitting shoes.
It’s also likely that your risk of skin infections will be higher during the summer. Why? Well, there are two likely culprits. The first is trauma – people are much more active during the warmer months, and sometimes active people get hurt. Cuts, scrapes, and bruises are common in active people, but they’re much more common in active people that don’t wear proper shoes!

The second likely cause of these infections is fungus, and if you suffer from nail fungus, finding a guaranteed-effective nail fungus treatment is the first step to preventing more serious issues.
Are you particularly active? Suffering from athlete’s foot? Make sure you wear the correct footwear for every activity and find an effective and natural athlete’s foot treatment to prevent further problems!